
Ambulatory Service

The majority of care we provide is on the farm where the horse is stabled. In addition to providing routine care, our veterinarians make a special effort to develop a unique preventative care program for each farm. Many factors influence what may be a proper program for your farm including the number of horses, travel, competition, housing, reproductive status and age.

We can provide:

  • Physical Examinations
  • Immunizations
  • The finest offered on the market, some with manufacturer guarantees
  • Targeted Deworming Protocols
  • Dentistry—power and hand tools

Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Chiropractic and acupuncture can be complementary to a variety of treatment regimens. Some situations that may benefit from these therapies are often considered behavioral problems, such as saddling issues, bucking, rearing and poor performance. But in reality, there is usually an underlying painful condition that is causing the horse to react badly. In these situations chiropractics is often a diagnostic as well as treatment tool. Acupuncture is a wonderful adjunct to chiropractic for the more difficult, chronically painful horses and has worked well for horses with anhydrosis or “non-sweating”.

Chiropractics and acupuncture also have places in reproductive medicine to help mares carry their pregnancy more comfortably without the use of medications that could be harmful to the fetus. Acupuncture has also been used for the chronically infertile mare. Dr. Patricia Blakeslee is certified in Chiropractic and Acupuncture and is available on the farm or in our clinic.

Clinical Pathology & Microbiology

Our clinic has a fully equipped laboratory for most routine blood work including complete blood cell counts, fibrinogen, blood chemistry profiles, cytologic exams, fecal exams, bacterial cultures and antibiotic sensitivities.

Digital Endoscopy

Endoscopy is the visual examination of interior structures of the body using an endoscope. In the equine, endoscopy is most commonly employed for evaluation of the Upper Airway. However, the endoscope is versatile and can examine other structures such as the stomach, urinary bladder and reproductive tracts. Our practice is able to offer upper airway endoscopy on the farm or in our clinic.

For endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach or urogenital tract our clinic houses an advanced video digital endoscope. Gastroscopy is used most commonly in the horse to visually assess the presence of gastric ulcer syndrome. Our practice offers gastroscopy clinics periodically throughout the year so make sure to check our upcoming events page for our future dates.

Digital Radiography

We are proud to offer our clients the most sophisticated radiographic technology available. Digital radiography allows the veterinarian to acquire and review high resolution radiographic images instantly on the farm or in the clinic. This enhances our ability to perfect radiographic positioning and diagnose bony lesions with improved accuracy and reduced time. The software program used to view the images houses a variety of tools to enhance interpretation. Many clients choose to share images with other veterinarians or farriers to improve patient care. Sharing images is now easier than ever through the use of compact discs, email or portable storage devices.

The Lameness Locator® by Equinosis™

We are proud to announce a state-of-the-art addition to our diagnostic services, the Lameness Locator® by Equinosis™. This cutting edge diagnostic tool objectively detects and quantifies body movement irregularity in a horse using small, wireless, body-mounted inertial sensors and a hand-held tablet PC. The setup of the sensors is quick, easy and non-invasive.

The data is transmitted wirelessly in real time and analyzed in seconds on the tablet PC. Information provided indicates the affected limb or limbs, the severity of lameness and the timing of peak pain in the stride of each limb. This can be especially valuable when diagnosing mild lameness.

Pro-Stride Therapy

Pro-Stride Therapy

Pro-Stride is a combination of the PRP and IRAP therapies, and is a steroid-free alternative to conventional joint injections. As with the other two therapies, your veterinarian will collect blood from your horse that will then be processed over 30 minutes to create a product that is rich in anti-inflammatory mediators and growth factors. As a combination product, Pro-Stride has greater anti-inflammatory properties than PRP or IRAP therapies alone. This product does not require incubation or freezing and can be injected same-day. Benefits of Pro-Stride therapy include pain relief for up to one year following a single injection and reduction of cartilage degeneration when injected intra-articularly. Pro-Stride therapy is mobile and can be performed either in clinic or at your farm.

Purchase Examination

Any horse that is being considered for purchase should undergo a thorough purchase examination. This is quite possibly the most thorough examination a horse may undergo. In addition to an assessment of the horse’s history, this procedure is an exceptionally methodical medical and performance examination. The purchase examination is a valuable service when deciding to purchase a new horse. Our veterinarians customize the exam to meet the needs of each buyer. The goal of this exam is not to pass or fail the horse, but to approach it as a discovery process so that the buyer can make an informed purchase. The standard purchase examination includes:

  • Seller’s disclosure of medical and surgical history, current medications, current use and work schedule and any behavioral vices
  • Buyer’s intended use and any concerns regarding the health or soundness
  • Physical Exam: designed to address every body system including but not limited to respiratory, the eyes, cranial nerves, oral cavity, cardiovascular system , gastrointestinal system, skin and hooves, nutritional status, conformation, muscle symmetry, external genitalia and observation/palpation for surgical scars
  • Inspection and Palpation: neck, withers, back, loins, croup, all four limbs, hooves
  • Gait Evaluation: walking and trotting on a hard surface, while lunging, under saddle if possible, neurologic exam
  • Flexion Tests: major joints on all four limbs are flexed to detect discomfort, gait is evaluated following flexion to determine if lameness is induced

Additional Diagnostic Tests

Your veterinarian can advise you based on their findings whether additional diagnostic testing is appropriate. Some Buyer’s elect for all diagnostics to allow for a more thorough discovery process (additional fees apply):

  • Complete Blood Count, Fibrinogen and Chemistry to assess health and organ function
  • Coggins test for Equine Infectious Anemia
  • Drug Test
  • Digital Radiographs – standard is 5 views of each front hoof and 4 views of each hock, additional films can be taken as desired
  • Upper Airway Endoscopic Exam
  • Fecal Egg Count
  • Breeding Soundness Exam if applicable
  • Lameness Locator®

Please note their will be a 50% cancelation fee charged if the exam is canceled within 24 hours of the appointment.

Regenerative Laser

Regenerative Laser Therapy

Regenerative laser therapy utilizes short, powerful laser pulses to generate acoustic waves within targeted tissues. Laser therapy can be used in the treatment of both soft tissue and bone related injuries, and it can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with other regenerative modalities. Benefits of laser therapy include reduction of scar tissue and normalization of muscle fibers, reduction of pain and inflammation, and stimulation of tissue circulation and cellular growth.

At UEA, we can provide your horse with regenerative laser therapy either in clinic or at your barn. Laser treatment sessions take only a few minutes, and each horse receives a custom treatment plan based on their individual needs.

Regenerative Therapies

Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP): Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a cytokine that is secreted by many types of cells and plays an important role in inflammation. In the joint it accelerates the deterioration of tissues such as joint cartilage. IRAP blocks IL-1 from binding to tissues and inhibits the damaging consequences of IL-1.

Your veterinarian will collect blood into a specially prepared syringe containing glass beads that stimulate production of IRAP. This syringe is then incubated overnight and centrifuged to separate the plasma (abundant with IRAP) from the blood cells. The sample is separated into individual vials and frozen for future use. Your veterinarian will recommend a treatment protocol.

PRP utilizes technology similar to that developed for IRAP. PRP contains increased levels of many different beneficial growth factors. Like IRAP, your veterinarian will collect blood from your horse into a special syringe which is then centrifuged. However, the resultant plasma is available for injection the same day. This plasma can then be injected into a variety of acute and chronic tendon or ligament conditions. Applications include superficial and deep flexor tendonitis, suspensory desmitis, collateral ligament injuries and muscle injuries. ACP and PRP are both exciting technologies that can be incorporated into your horse’s current recovery and rehabilitation regime.

Reproductive Services

Over the last three decades our practice has evolved around the breeding season and our daily appointments during this time of year reflect such an emphasis. Our veterinarians are well trained in reproductive medicine and are capable of providing a wide variety of services including rectal palpation and trans-rectal ultrasound of the reproductive tract, vaginal speculum exams and uterine culture & cytology. In addition, we are equipped to acquire uterine biopsies, perform low volume uterine lavage for culture & cytology, perform hysteroscopy (viewing the interior of the uterus with an endoscope) and to institute appropriate therapy regimens. The majority of broodmare work occurs on the farm, however, our reproduction center is designed to house mares that require more intense management or that live out of the area. We are able to breed your mare with fresh, chilled or the frozen semen here at the clinic or on your farm. Assistance with stallion management can be provided if necessary. It goes without saying that live foals are the goal of our breeding efforts and our care doesn’t stop at conception! Our veterinarians will help you manage your mare during her pregnancy, labor and to perform your foal’s postnatal wellness exam.

In 2009 we partnered with Select Breeders Services in Maryland to expand our services to include equine embryo transfer and embryo cyropreservation. The benefits of embryo transfer include, but are not limited to, the ability to have multiple foals from one donor in the same year, aged mares that have difficulty carrying pregnancies to term, continued use as a performance horse and decreased risk to the donor mare by allowing another mare to carry the pregnancy. Embryo collection is available at our clinic facility and in special circumstances at the client’s farms.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is effective in the management of chronic pain and lameness caused by a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. The specific disorder must be identified prior to therapy, often using ultrasonography or radiography, in order to target the appropriate treatment area. Once the lesion had been identified high energy sound waves called shockwaves can be delivered to that location.

The reported effects of shockwave therapy are many and include enhancing nutrient delivery by increasing the blood supply to the lesion, stimulating specific cell types known to rebuild soft tissue and bone, promoting a local immune response, directing a more linear pattern of fiber healing in tendons and ligaments. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes and may or may not need to be repeated. Response to therapy is related to the age and type of injury.

Therapeutic Injections

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is one of the main causes of lameness in horses. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage on the joint surface is damaged or destroyed, which produces pain and inflammation. Joints that are the most affected are the tarsus (hock), fetlock, pastern, carpus (knee), stifle and coffin joint. Usually, therapy involves intra-articular medications such as hyaluronic acid and/or corticosteroids, rest,oral NSAIDS (phenylbutazone or banamine), shockwave therapy, polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) such as Adequan, intravenous hyaluronic acid (Legend) and oral supplements that contain glucosamine and/or chondrotin sulfate.

    • Neck/Back/Lumbar/Sacro-lliac
    • Joints/Tendons/ligaments
    • Ultrasound guided


This diagnostic imaging tool is an infrared camera that can detect heat variation with a high degree of accuracy. These images can be used to localize areas of inflammation in the horse’s body commonly in the joints, tendons, back and hooves.

The heat generated between the saddle and the horse’s back during exercise can also be evaluated to assist in saddle fit. Thermography is an excellent supplemental diagnostic tool because it is non invasive and it is very easy to use.

Strategic Deworming Strategy

As part of our practice philosophy, Unionville Equine Associates attempts to keep our clients informed of current advances in equine medicine. As you may be aware, significant drug resistance has developed in the equine parasite population. Unfortunately, resistance to some commonly used dewormers has been recorded at 95% in some herds of horses in the United States.

Learn More About Strategic Deworming Strategy


Each veterinarian is equipped with an ultrasound on their vehicle and they are able to perform a variety of examinations on your farm. Most common uses for ultrasonography include evaluation of the urogenital system of mares for breeding management, exploring soft tissue masses, wounds and the thoracic and abdominal organs in foals.

Additionally many of our veterinarians have received additional training in diagnosing soft tissue lesions in limbs and are equipped with advanced digital ultrasounds.