Over the last three decades our practice has evolved around the breeding season and our daily appointments during this time of year reflect such an emphasis. Our veterinarians are well trained in reproductive medicine and are capable of providing a wide variety of services including rectal palpation and trans-rectal ultrasound of the reproductive tract, vaginal speculum exams and uterine culture & cytology. In addition, we are equipped to acquire uterine biopsies, perform low volume uterine lavage for culture & cytology, perform hysteroscopy (viewing the interior of the uterus with an endoscope) and to institute appropriate therapy regimens. The majority of broodmare work occurs on the farm, however, our reproduction center is designed to house mares that require more intense management or that live out of the area. We are able to breed your mare with fresh, chilled or the frozen semen here at the clinic or on your farm. Assistance with stallion management can be provided if necessary. It goes without saying that live foals are the goal of our breeding efforts and our care doesn’t stop at conception! Our veterinarians will help you manage your mare during her pregnancy, labor and to perform your foal’s postnatal wellness exam.
In 2009 we partnered with Select Breeders Services in Maryland to expand our services to include equine embryo transfer and embryo cyropreservation. The benefits of embryo transfer include, but are not limited to, the ability to have multiple foals from one donor in the same year, aged mares that have difficulty carrying pregnancies to term, continued use as a performance horse and decreased risk to the donor mare by allowing another mare to carry the pregnancy. Embryo collection is available at our clinic facility and in special circumstances at the client’s farms.